Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
J'en ai marre (Alizee)
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je m'eclabousse
J'en ris !
Mon poisson rouge
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je l'emmitoufle
Je lui dis :
J'ai pas de probleme
Je faineante
Pas de malaise
Je faineante
Dans l'eau je baigne
C'est l'important
Bien a mon aise dans l'air du temps
J'ai la peau douce
Dans mon bain de mousse
Je brule a l'ombre
Des bombes
Tout est delice
Des lits des cibles
Je fais la liste des choses
Qui m'indisposent
J'en ai marre de ceux qui pleurent
Qui ne roule qu'a 2 a l'heure
Qui se lamentent et qui s'fixent
Sur l'idee d'une idee fixe
J'en ai marre de ceux qui ralent
Des extremistes a 2 balles
Qui voient la vie tout en noire
Qui m'expedient dans l'cafard
J'en ai marre de la grande soeur
Qui gemit tout et qui pleure
Marre de la pluie, des courgettes
Qui m'font vomir sous la couette
J'en ai marre de ces cyniques
Et dans les pres les colchiques
J'en ai marre d'en avoir marre
J'ai la peau douce
Dans mon bain de mousse
Pas de secousses sismiques
Je me prelasse
Et me delasse
C'est mon etat aquatique
Y'a comme un hic!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Harry Potter Jokes #2
Harry Potter Jokes #3 Click Here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
My Favorite Glee Episodes (Season 2)
I’m addicted to Glee, hell yeah please welcome the new gleek! Just want to share the top 7 glee episodes (season #2) in my opinion.
1.Born this Way
Rachel’s nose. This Lucy Caboosie idea was really funny. I loved when Kurt, who likes boys, come back. Finn can’t dance, Mike can’t sing. This trouty mouth stuff is not a fresh thing. And Brit and Puck, both are with stupid, up and down.
2. Blame It on Alcohol
Everyone’s going drunk after a wild party in Rachel home. And then Rachel and Blaine have a kiss in a spinning-bottle game. At first I thought Blaine is actually not gay, and then like what Kurt have said, it’s just because the alcohol.
3. Never Been Kissed
It’s when Karofsky bully Kurt and finally Kurt find out that Karofsky is gay by kissing him. Kurt’s first kiss, accidentally. Beiste has never been kissed before and Mr. Schuester saves her up. The boys try to cool down when they make up with their girlfriends; they imagine they do it with Beiste.
A sex education by Holy Holiday. Santana realizes that she loves Brittany, but Brittany says she loves Artie and she’s curious about her feeling to Santana. Holy and Schuester have a tango dance and at the end of the episode they finally decided to be in a relationship.
The boys change their style into Justin Bieber’s to attract the girls. Finn and Quinn are getting their relationships back.
6.Rocky Horror Glee Show
Sue wants to take a part of this show in order that she’ll receive a government trophy if this forbidden Rocky Horror Show finally performed. But poor Sue, the show is canceled by Will himself because he finally realizes that he does this just because of Emma. Rocky Horror is inappropriate for these kids.
Brittany is being the center of attention here. Some kids go to the dentist, Carl, and have imaginations about Britney’s songs.
Monday, May 16, 2011
It's me!
Fuckin' exams still waiting though.. wth??? The absolutely good news of course after those things I'll get my looooong holiday, and let's just wait..

Does whatever a SPIDER PIG does
Can he swing from a web?
No he can't, he's a pig
Look Out!
He is a SPIDER PIG!!