Sunday, May 13, 2012


Aujourd'hui mon pere et mon frere sont alles au cinema. Ils ont regardes The Avenger. Why the fuck I didn't come along?? It's because I am a fan of Mr Iron Man and I can't watch the movie without showing a dumb face when he appears. So I stayed at home instead and watched movies in my laptop.
Like what I promised in the previous post I'll post some pictures. Since I always love androgynous looks, I decided to draw these ladies with these outfits. Actually I think it's too simple and ugly but I just love drawing the people.


 stewpid mafia look?
 By the way, I do hate smokers.
Ok that's all. If you love yourself please don't admit anybody's work as yours.
Imagine you are the victim.
Today is shady all  the time...


Saturday, May 12, 2012

My blog gets boring since there is no more picture uploaded

Soooo... It's Saturday Night again and maybe later I'll share some drawing of mine.
I'm kind of unoccupied and am really bored. I've been on internet since 4 o'clock and am still bored. Whatever I did today was kind of useless..
I decided to doodle on a paper, it's been  6 hours since my last drawing. The last drawing I made were the ones in draw something. And it wasn't even a shape, I cheated, I just wrote the words.
now, i'll just say bye. Another insignificant update, eh?

In Nebraska, It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup.