Monday, May 27, 2013

Was it a happy day

Okay, I know it's my first post after that growing out my hair crap I talked about. And guess what. I just got the brand new super short haircut about 10 days ago :) Well, whatevs.
Anyway, I'm accepted in the university I chose. I couldn't be happier. I'm still happy because I was hesitant in enrolling there. I just got the news like an hour ago. I feel so relieved.
Thank you, God. I love you.

It means my duty of studying for the big plan B test is cancelled and I could do some things during my relax days. Some fun things :)
Recently I am engaged to this tv series Hannibal. OMG, this show just totally me. At first I didn't really understand the show, but now I'm in love.. Everyday I open actualhannibal to see funny things and also hannibalhouseofconfession to see others thought about this show and I also checked madsturbating to see Mads Mikkelsen face updates. I just love Mads as Hannibal totally perfect, his version of this elegant cannibal is just like my vision of hotness. Plus he's so suave and a dane and has no eyebrows.

Okay, I'm gonna stop talking about him. Hannibal tv series is full of blood and mutilation of bodies, murder, crazy psycopaths, drama, and it is scary sometimes. But it also full of yummy fine foods and bromance. The eff? I don't know.. it almost like Sherlock I think. So sad the rating of this show is so fucked up. I hope more people watch this show. I need to watch more season please.

It was a happy day
The only bad things are I'm on my period, haven't exercised for almost a week, fucked up bowel movement, can't eat normal food because I'm gonna throw up later (maybe it's because something i ate?) I'm really concerned about my health now :(
I also emotionally unstable lately,
But most of all.. I feel relieved for making my aim happened.